Facebook USA accounts | Manual farming for 10+ days external and internal. Ad plates. Processed interests | 2FA | Verified by SMS and email. Number removed. Email included | Token (EAAB), Useragent, and Cookies included | Photos for Selfie and documents for KYC.

$ 5.44


  • Facebook account registered on mobile proxies in the USA.
  • Confirmed via SMS. The number has been removed to protect you from number checks.
  • Confirmed via email. Email included.
  • Photos and documents for passing checks are included.
  • Created a Fan Page (FP) of a new or old type.
  • Manual farming for 10+ days + cultivated interests. Posts, likes, messages, friends. Group registrations on websites with FB pixel. Ad tiles.
  • Profile filled, added avatar, photos.
  • Access token (EAAB), User Agent, and Cookies (Json) included.
  • Female gender.
  • Added 0-100 friends.
  • 2FA added.

We recommend logging in and using Facebook accounts only with USA IP and with the help of Cookies. No replacements or refunds in other cases.

      Format of issued accounts:

      • USA|Login:Password:Email:Password Name Surname FB_ID Birthdate|link to selfie photo verification|link to documents ZRD|Cookies|User Agent|Access_token|ID FP

      Account validity is checked by its id (example: https://www.facebook.com/ID) or with a service for checking https://checkaccs.nppr.team/ No replacements are made after you log in to the account.

    - Recommendations for using accounts, answers to frequently asked questions:

  • Carefully read the description and make sure this is exactly what you are interested in.
  • Try buying Facebook accounts in small quantities, up to 10, and test them for your purposes.
  • Use high-quality proxies for login.


  • Facebook account registered with mobile USA IP.
  • Verified by email, email is in the set.
  • [PVA] The accounts are verified by SMS. Number removed.
  • Photos and docks for passing checks included.
  • Fan Page (FP) new type or old type was created.
  • Female gender.
  • Manual farm 10+ days + farmed interests. Posts, likes, correspondence, friends. group registration on sites with FB pixel. Advertising boards.
  • was created.
  • Access token (EAAB), Useragent and Cookies (Json) included.
  • The profile has avatar, photos.
  • Added 0-100 friends.
  • 2FA added.

  • We recommend logging in Facebook account only with cookies and USA private IP proxies. Otherwise, there are no replacements or refunds in this case.

      Format of accounts:

      USA Login:Password:Email:Password Name Surname Fb_ID Date_of_birth| Selfie|Docs_ZRD|Cookies|Useragent|Access_token|ID FP


      Account validity is verified using profile id (https://www.facebook.com/ID)

      Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115

      After you log in, there is no replacement.