Telegram RU accounts. Gender - mixed. Auto-registered. Account age - from 3 days to 6 months. Formats: .OD. (suitable for ONEDASH) Perfectly suitable for spam and inviting. Countries: RU

$ 0.68


Telegram accounts. Gender - mixed. Aged - from 10 days to 6 months. Formats: .OD. (suitable for ONEDASH)  Countries: Russia Autoreg


Suitable for any kind of activity: newsletter, invite, parsing, subscription, followers boost. Login via OneDash software.

Make sure to use high quality proxy servers!

Selling my remaining accounts. Due to recent sanctions, there won't be more of these accounts in the near future! There are about 5000 accounts left in stock.
The accounts have a certain lifetime; to achieve maximum efficiency, please use them immediately after purchase.