$ 0.68


New Google, Gmail accounts. Registered on a PC device.

The country of account registration is the USA.

3-10 days after registration!

Names and surnames are in English. The interface is in English.

The gender of the account can be both male and female. Accounts have additional mail.

Google accounts can be used in all its services, for example, for advertising adwords, Google Play, blogs, and so on.

- Account format: login:password:additional mail

Accounts from suppliers, after purchase, you must change your password according to the store's rules. There is no need to contact us after a week, a month, or a year to report that someone has accessed your purchased accounts or changed passwords, as we will not accept any claims. After the purchase, the accounts are yours and you have full control over them!

Google profiles are sold unused, never used before. If you find any such profiles, please contact the store's support with details of the issue for resolution. Gmail accounts can be used in all Google services up to the limits imposed by the service itself. For example, Google accounts can be used for Gmail, YouTube, service blogs, Google AdWords, etc. After registration, accounts have a waiting period of three or more days, which is done to filter out banned accounts that may arise within the first three days after registration. Google accounts are checked multiple times for validity without login to avoid inheriting multiple logins. We would like to inform you that accounts with more than three to four weeks of experience cannot change passwords or additional mail without SMS activation. This is an established rule by Google and not everyone is aware of it.

Registration of Google accounts was done on IP MIX. When logging in, please use a new and clean browser for each account, otherwise you may encounter issues such as needing an SMS or other login problems. Logging into accounts from IP addresses of other countries carries the risk of account blocking or SMS requests, so please note that complaints and claims in such cases will not be entertained. It's important to ensure that the IP addresses are not flagged as spam by Google. When working with the accounts, it is strongly recommended not to use cheap or free proxy services, VPNs, browser extensions, or similar tools as these increase the chances of freezing or blocking the account during both authorization and subsequent usage. During your first Google login, additional information and data in the format of the accounts may be requested.