Facebook accounts, Poland. Farming for at least 2 months, real friends, registration by phone number with linked email, FP, cookies, token, email password included. Documents filled out, profile picture, correspondence, posts!

$ 2.13



Facebook accounts registered automatically with a mobile phone emulator.

Accounts farmed for 2 or more months; daily account login during farming; most have social activity (videos, likes, comments, chats, etc.) and earned cookies for websites.

Mail with access (firstmail.ltd) is included. Verification is passed. FP is created. All registration and activity in accounts performed via Polish IP address.

Female gender. Account names in Latin and Cyrillic.

Avatar, 10+ photos are added to the profile.

The format for provided accounts: login, password, email, email password, date of birth, ID, cookies in JSON format, token (EAAB), Useragent.

Sometimes, there are accounts linked with kopeechka email; to login with email, use the Telegram bot https://t.me/Optimusmailbot

99% (firstmail.ltd)