[Discord account] Russia I Novoreg I Number + email + token
$ 0.57
- Discord accounts with a lag time of up to 1 month.
- Registration date range within 7 days.
- Username set.
- Number country - MIX (UK, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Colombia).
- Comes with rambler email and token. Discord login and password match the email account (rambler.ru)
- (!) May require re-email verification.
- * Suitable for browsers, as well as OneDash, Xyalise, 9plus, DMDGO, Cerber, DMDPie, and other programs.
- Account format: [login:password:token].
Confirmation by email is required for login with username/password. If for any reason the email does not arrive in your inbox - log in with the token instead.